April 13, 2020: New Pisten Bully 100 on order!
We have placed an order for a new Pisten Bully 100; we anticipate it to be delivered in November, 2020! See our Announcement Letter. We sincerely thank our generous donors and sponsors; without your support this would not be possible. We know these are trying times with the Covid-19 pandemic but this is great news. When we have more details, we will provide them here and on our Facebook Page.
Note, we still need funds to pay for this machine! The Friends of Lapham Peak have agreed to taking out a loan if we don’t have all of the funds on hand in November, but we’d rather not pay interest for a loan if we don’t have to. We also know these are hard financial times for many of us, but if you can, please consider making an additional donation this spring or summer so that we can pay for this when it arrives.
If you have questions, please see these FAQs as they should answer most, or send a note using our Contact Us Page.